Saturday, July 25, 2009

Welcome to The Jail Report - Fighting Crime Through Knowledge

Fighting crime through knowledge. It sounds good, right? But what exactly does that mean?

The motto of The Jail Report simply means that this crime newspaper hopes to arm you with information that will help you make decisions to protect you, your family and your property.

Our crime awareness publication relies mainly on arrest and mugshot information to fill its pages – and for good reason. By knowing the names and faces of people accused of committing crimes in our neighborhoods, readers can make more informed decisions on the people they associate with and allow into their lives.

Each issue will feature other important information as well:
  • WANTED: Working with law enforcement, The Jail Report will publicize suspects who are wanted for committing crime. In some cases, police offer a reward for helping to get violent criminal suspects off the street.
  • DUMB CROOKS & WEIRD CRIME: A look at odd crime and the lamebrains who perpetrate them.
  • LOCAL CRIME: News stories from across the CSRA, including statistics that show you the trend in crimes from month to month.
There’s a reason similar crime newspapers are popping up across the region, including Atlanta, Columbia, Charlotte and Greenville/Spartanburg. They are filling the need for citizens to know what’s going on in their neighborhoods.

Even state and county agencies are getting into the act by providing more localized crime information, publicizing sex offenders – and their mugshots – on their websites.

Columbia County and Aiken County now make arrest and mugshot information available on their agency websites. For those counties, The Jail Report simply takes that same information and makes a print copy available to those who don’t have Internet access or the time to research.

Not everyone will agree with the release of this public information to such a wide audience. They will argue that not everyone pictured is guilty.

The Jail Report makes it clear these are accusations only, and we believe the public benefits through the knowledge of those suspects who’ve been formally charged.

If someone published in these pages is found not guilty and wishes their verdict to be publicized, contact us through email at, or by phone at 706-814-1359. We also hope you make the same call to the sheriff’s office if your mugshot was placed on their website.

If you have a comment and want it published in an upcoming issue, we currently accept feedback by email at


  1. They need to show the dead beat dads and how much they are in arrears. Sometimes public humiliation will make you do what you are supposed to do.

  2. I have become hooked on the weekly reports!! The only thing I would change, is to add all the CSRA counties!! Great job!!

  3. you really should not put people picture in the paper like that it is simple because not everything in the paper is always true it is two sides to every story .a coin does have two sides right. so i mean really. when you thing about it.

  4. I 'am a proud father of to. I take care of my kids by myself. they mother doesn't do anything for them she is wanted as we speak but. so my question is why haven't they put all the dead beat moms pic on the wanted list ?

  5. According to the US Constitution and is backed in the Bill of Rights one is innocent until proven guilty. In the same country law enforcement is charged with investigation crimes for the sole purpose of JUSTICE. I haven't read the Ga Constitution but I am pretty sure they can not supersede the US Constitution. This report AND the officers interviewed are taking it upon themselves to convict before a trial. I have even heard that rather than "seeking justice" they only investigate one side of the charge. In other words, if your girlfriend get angry at you because she is psycho (there's a few of them out there) and call the cops your side is not investigated. All local LE is interested in is a conviction (and maybe a shot at the psycho girlfriend) and turns a deft ear to your side of the story. Where is the JUSTICE? You get a hefty lawyer bill, the DA gets a conviction, your lawyer is $1000.00 richer the cop gets a pat on the shoulder, and maybe a little something something. This happens on an hourly basis in "some" jurisdictions. Is it happening in YOURS?

  6. yes it is happening in this county, Richmond county is all about the money, you got money its like the crime never happen...i mean ive seen young black males get time for a simple felony such as theft by taking and get up to 5 years, and i had a guy do a drive by on my house, hit the neighbors 2 year old babies room next door, and he was white and had family with money, do you know for the violent crime where a few people could of died he got 10 years probation. I think the DA is more concern of there conviction rate then getting justice served for the victims...i mean this boys paid lawyer got all the charges dropped from 2 counts of agg. assault to criminal damage, tampering with evidence (hiding the firearm) got dropped, he had 7 felonies before court, afer court he was convicted of 3, and dropped the other that right??? i dont think so..

  7. Does anyone know whether or not you can pay a fee to keep your picture out of the Jail Report?

  8. You cannot. Read page 2, left side, of every copy. It says you can't.

  9. They should make a politicians only paper so we can see these dirtbags and their obvious disregard for the law. And a cops only one also, I am sure that retard kernagan that was stalking his wife is not the only outlaw cop we have running around!


  11. I have a question???? Why is it that yall have it where people can comment on or pics or joke about them in the pics, but yet when a officer of the law gets arrested when ever that is they dont get picked at in the paper!

  12. Not true. We always post officers in trouble on our facebook and allow comments. Also, we have printed comments as recently as this month. When a deputy got arrested this month (Sept. 2010), we printed this comment from a reader: "A real man steps out of situations that lead to trouble." Another reader said, "That sucks he is a woman beater."

  13. I was accused of sexual harassment, the detective only took the persons statement called me in to question me then a few days later i was arrested for a misdemenor charge of sexual harassment. but the detective never went to my place of business and ask anyone there any ?'s she just took the girl's statement. Did not even ask for witnesess that was there at the time of this socall incident.Now this same detective has been filed for racial remarks and sexual harassment from a fellow officer,but her write up for the charge or her picture was never posted anywhere in the waynesboro paper or jail report. Why is that? Maybe i should become a cop in a small town.
